Our Staff --
Together we have over 50 years of combined experience in case management, business development, and marketing...
- Terri L. Reed
Executive Director
- Lori Stephenson
Director of Marketing
- Louise Brayfield
Volunteer Coordinator

" We manage to stay pretty busy..."
Organizational Memberships and Collaborative Interests
- Commercial Club
- the Gathering
- Grant Beach Neighborhood Alliance
- Housing Collaboration
- Continuum of Care
[ Discharge Committee ]
- Early Education Committee [ Leadership Sub-Committee ]
- Veterans' Task Force [ currently inactive ]
- Military One Source
- Partners for a Better Tomorrow
- RUN Network / MASW
- Women in Communication
- We Care America / ONE.org
- Gather the Women International
- Ashoka.org / Changemakers.net
- Ozarks Marriage Matters
- Operation Us [ grant partner ]
- [ former Vice-Chair of " Citizen's Advisory Committee for City Council " ]