Spring Issue 2010

- We are currently organizing a regional Sustainability Conference promoting sustainable business practices to
be held during the last week of October -- watch for more information in our Summer issue, or contact
our main office for specific details and participation opportunities.
- The new " Stone Soup Solutions" website will serve as a permanent online directory for FREE and low-cost community
resources : please feel free to let us know if you need something and don't see it or know of a good resource we
have neglected to include.
- While Stone Soup Ministries been listed locally as a legal " Non-Profit" organization for several years,
we are currently completing the IRS application for national "501(c)3" status : this will enable us to give
"tax deductible" receipts for both in-kind and monetary donations, as well as compete for additonal grant funding for special
** " Thank You " so much to ALL of the community partners that have believed in our mission enough to
donate everything we needed for the things we've done over the years : We look forward to increasing
our capacity to serve the entire community with your continued support .
Upcoming Events
[ pre-registration by e-mail is requested
for all classes ]
Relationship Smarts
FREE Class for Teens
Within My Reach
FREE Class for Adults
"Solutions Day" 2010
This year we have once again decided to extend our annual "Solutions Day" celebrations to include the
entire month of October...
In addition to hosting the main Conference event ourselves, we have chosen to ask our community partners what
they are doing to address important issues throughout the month of October and to highlight all
of those creative efforts on the Stone Soup Solutions site : a comprehensive website dedicated entirely
to free and low-cost community resources.
[ see the " Stone Soup Solutions & Resources " page on this website for additional information ]